(兵器工业卫生研究所,陕西 西安 710065)
Research status and progress of animal models of frostbite
(Institute of Industrial Hygiene of Ordance Industry, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710065, China)
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Received:August 11, 2023   Published Online:May 20, 2024
中文摘要: 在寒冷地区、高原高海拔、极地环境及极端条件下,冻伤不仅引发冻伤部位红肿、疼痛,严重者还可导致坏死、截肢。建立稳定、可靠的冻伤动物模型是研究冻伤发病特点和治疗方法的基础和关键。目前国内外关于冻伤动物模型的相关研究较少,且单一的冻伤造模方法不能满足冻伤发病机理及临床救治研究的需求,因此有必要寻求更为全面、详细的冻伤造模方法。本文综述国内外冻伤动物造模方法、冻伤部位选择等相关研究进展,以期为冻伤相关研究提供理想的动物建模方法
Abstract:In cold regions, plateau and high altitude, polar environment and extreme conditions, frostbite not only causes redness, swelling and pain in the frostbite site, but also leads to necrosis and amputation in severe cases. The establishment of stable and reliable animal models of frostbite is cruial to the study of the pathogenesis characteristics and treatment methods of frostbite. At present, there are few relevant research of frostbite animal model widely, and a single frostbite modeling method cannot meet the needs of the researchs of frostbite pathogenesis and clinical treatment. It is necessary to seek a more comprehensive and detailed frostbite modeling method. This article reviews the research progress of frostbite animal modeling methods and the selection of frostbite sites at home and abroad, in order to provide an ideal animal modeling method for frostbite related research.
文章编号:     中图分类号:R332 R645    文献标志码:A

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