(1. 遵义医科大学麻醉医学院,贵州 遵义 563099;2. 贵州省六盘水市人民医院,贵州 六盘水 553000;3. 遵义医科大学附属医院麻醉科,贵州 遵义 563000)
Research progress in ion channel mechanism of morphine addiction
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Received:July 08, 2023   Published Online:April 20, 2024
中文摘要: 吗啡是一种经典的阿片类镇痛药物,常用于治疗慢性痛、癌痛、神经病理性疼痛等。但由于反复使用会产生成瘾,这使得其临床使用受到严重限制。吗啡成瘾已经成为导致某些疾病传播的全球性重大公共卫生问题。然而,目前吗啡成瘾的机制仍然不完全清楚。离子通道是细胞膜上的一种蛋白结构,类似于细胞内外之间的门,可选择性让一些离子进出细胞。目前的研究表明,电压门控、配体门控和机械门控等离子通道均参与了吗啡成瘾的机制。因此本文就吗啡成瘾的上述离子通道机制作一综述。
Abstract:Morphine is a classic opioid analgesic drug commonly used to treat chronic pain, cancer pain, neuropathic pain, etc. But repeated use can be addictive, this makes its clinical use severely limited. Morphine addiction has become a major global public health problem leading to the spread of some diseases. However, the mechanisms of morphine addiction are still not fully understood. An ion channel is a protein structure on the cell membrane, similar to a gate between inside and outside of the cell, that selectively allows some ions to enter and exit the cell. Current research shows that voltage-gated, ligand-gated and mechanically gated ion channels are all involved in the mechanism of morphine addiction. Therefore, this paper reviews the mechanism of voltage-gated, ligand-gated and mechanically gated ion channel for morphine addiction.
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