(南京医科大学附属江宁医院肿瘤科,江苏 南京 211100)
Research progress of fibroblast growth factor receptor in gastric cancer
(Department of Oncology, The Affiliated Jiangning Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 211100, China)
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Received:November 02, 2023   Published Online:February 20, 2024
中文摘要: 胃癌发病率及死亡率均位于肿瘤前列,且预后差,尤其是中晚期胃癌,即便采取了综合治疗,5年生存率也很低。精准医疗的发展延长了患者的生存期,成纤维细胞生长因子受体(FGFR)已逐渐成为胃癌治疗的热门靶点。本文就胃癌中常见的FGFR改变类型和近年FGFR抑制剂在胃癌领域中的探索进行综述,并对面临的挑战进行分析。
Abstract:The incidence and mortality of gastric cancer are in the forefront of the tumor, and the prognosis is poor, especially in the middle and advanced stage. Even with comprehensive treatment, the 5- year survival is very low. The development of precision medicine has extended the survival of patients, and fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) has gradually become a popular target for the treatment of gastric cancer. In this paper, the common FGFR alteration types in gastric cancer and the exploration of FGFR inhibitors in the field of gastric cancer were reviewed, and the challenges were analyzed.
文章编号:     中图分类号:R735.2    文献标志码:A

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