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(1. 南京中医药大学,江苏 南京 210023;2. 江苏省中医院肿瘤内科,江苏 南京 210029)
Research progress in targeted therapy for gastric cancer
本文已被:浏览 1802次   下载 241
Received:December 05, 2023   Published Online:February 20, 2024
中文摘要: 胃癌是全球常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其发病率及死亡率一直位居前列。我国大部分胃癌患者发现时已属中晚期,5年生存率不理想,预后差。在靶向治疗出现前,氟尿嘧啶和铂类等药物联合化疗作为一线治疗方案,但临床获益有限。靶向治疗作为当前肿瘤治疗领域的研究热点及新型治疗方法,已被实践和临床试验及基础研究证实可以明显改善胃癌患者尤其中晚期患者的生存率。本文介绍了包括人类表皮生长因子受体-2(HER2)、表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)、成纤维细胞生长因子受体(FGFR)等在内的胃癌靶向治疗的最新研究进展,旨在为胃癌的靶向治疗提供新的思考和方向。
Abstract:Gastric cancer is a common malignant tumor worldwide, and its incidence rate and mortality have always been in the forefront. Most gastric cancer patients in China are diagnosed in the middle or late stages, with an unsatisfactory 5- year survival rate and poor prognosis. Prior to the emergence of targeted therapy, the combination chemotherapy of fluorouracil and platinum based drugs was considered a first- line treatment option, but the clinical benefits were limited. Targeted therapy, as a current research hotspot and new treatment method in the field of cancer treatment, has been proven by practice, clinical trials, and basic research to significantly improve the survival rate of gastric cancer patients, especially those in the middle and late stages. This article introduces the latest research progress in targeted therapy for gastric cancer, including human epidermal growth factor receptor- 2 (HER2), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR), etc., aiming to provide new ideas and directions for targeted therapy for gastric cancer.
文章编号:     中图分类号:R735.2    文献标志码:A

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