(云南大学附属医院 云南省第二人民医院 云南省眼科医院儿童眼科,云南 昆明 650000)
Research progress on genetic patterns and prevention and control measures for high myopia
(Department of Pediatric Ophthalmology, Affiliated Hospital of Yunnan University, Second People's Hospital of Yunnan Province, Yunnan Eye Hospital, Kunming, Yunnan 650000, China)
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Received:November 22, 2022   Published Online:August 20, 2023
中文摘要: 高度近视是一种具有高度群体特异性和遗传异质性的可致盲的眼部疾病,目前尚无有效的治疗方法。近视在东亚人中更为普遍和严重,尤其是在中国。近视及近视临床前期的防控有助于预防其发展为高度近视。目前对分子遗传学和环境因素进行了大量研究,确定导致高度近视的相关基因,以建立近视的多基因风险评估,以期阐明发病机制和通路机制。本文以现代医学与分子遗传学为基础,探讨近年来高度近视相关基因新的基因位点、危险因素及近视防控手段的进展。
Abstract:High myopia is a highly population-specific and genetically heterogeneous eye disease for which there is no effective treatment. Myopia is more prevalent and severe in east Asians, especially in China. Prevention and control of myopia and preclinical myopia can help prevent its progression to high myopia. Therefore, numerous studies on molecular genetics and environmental factors have been conducted to identify genes associated with high myopia in order to establish a polygenic risk assessment for myopia and to elucidate the pathogenesis and pathway mechanisms. This paper will discuss the recent advances in genetic loci, risk factors, and myopia prevention and control tools based on modern medicine and molecular genetics for high myopia-related genes.
文章编号:     中图分类号:R778.1    文献标志码:A
基金项目:云南省中青年学术和技术带头人后备人才项目(202005AC160021); 昆明医科大学应用基础联合专项基金项目(202101AY070001-287)

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