(1. 西安医学院,陕西 西安 710068;2. 陕西省人民医院呼吸与危重症一科,陕西 西安 710000)
Research progress on the relationship between gut microbiota and severe pneumonia
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Received:June 20, 2022   Published Online:April 20, 2023
中文摘要: 重症肺炎是临床上常见的急危重症,理化因素损伤、机体免疫防御功能障碍、病原微生物侵袭等多种原因都可以导致重症肺炎的发生。近年来肠道菌群对重症肺炎发生发展的影响逐渐成为研究热点,大量研究表明重症肺炎患者往往伴随肠道菌群的紊乱,且肠道微生态制剂对重症肺炎的治疗有积极作用。本文对肠肺之间的联系及其主要作用途径、肠道菌群失衡与肺部疾病的关系、重症肺炎患者肠道菌群的变化以及肠道微生态制剂在重症肺炎治疗中的应用进行综述。
Abstract:Severe pneumonia is a common critical illness in clinic. Physical and chemical factor damage, immune defense dysfunction, pathogenic microorganism invasion and other reasons can lead to the occurrence of severe pneumonia. In recent years, the effect of intestinal flora on the occurrence and development of severe pneumonia has gradually become a hot research topic. A large number of studies have shown that patients with severe pneumonia are often accompanied by the disorder of intestinal flora, and intestinal microecologics have a positive effect on the treatment of severe pneumonia. This article reviews the relationship between intestines and lungs and its main ways of action, the relationship between the imbalance of intestinal flora and pulmonary diseases, the changes of intestinal flora in patients with severe pneumonia and the application of intestinal microecological agents in the treatment of severe pneumonia.
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