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(江苏省人民医院 南京医科大学第一附属医院,江苏 南京 210029)
Design and application of intelligent module for safe administration of intravenous chemotherapy based on HFMEA mode
(Jiangsu Provincial Peoples Hospital, The First Affiliated Hospital with Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210029, China)
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Received:April 06, 2022   Published Online:February 20, 2023
中文摘要: 目的 加强静脉化疗给药全程管理,保障病人和护士安全。方法 采用医疗失效模式与效应分析(HFMEA),分析静脉化疗给药流程中的失效模式,使用危险评分矩阵和决策树筛选出需要改进的环节,分析失效原因并制定改进措施,依据改进措施设计静脉化疗安全给药智能模块,将模块嵌入移动护理信息系统中应用于临床。结果 与应用前比较,静脉化疗安全给药智能模块应用后化疗配置正确率(100.00% vs96.45%)、化疗输注正确率(98.92% vs94.29%)、化疗防护正确率(99.65% vs97.28%)3个指标均有明显改善(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论 静脉化疗安全给药智能模块规范了静脉化疗给药管理,提高了化疗护理质量,保障了病人和护士安全。
Abstract:ObjectiveTo strengthen the whole process management of intravenous chemotherapy administration to ensure the safety of patients and nurses. MethodsThe healthcare failure mode and effect analysis(HFMEA) was used to analyze the failure mode in the process of intravenous chemotherapy administration, and risk scoring matrix and decision tree were used to find out what should be improved. Based on the established improvement measures, the intelligent module for safe administration of intravenous chemotherapy was designed and embedded in the mobile nursing information system for application in the clinical. ResultsAfter the application of intelligent module, the correct rates of chemotherapy drug configuration(100.00% vs96.45%), the chemotherapy infusion(98.92% vs94.29%) and the chemotherapy occupational protection(99.65% vs97.28%) statistically increased compared with those before application of intelligent module(P<0.05, P<0.01). ConclusionThe intelligent module for intravenous chemotherapy safe medication can standardize the chemotherapy process, improve the quality of chemotherapy nursing and ensure the safety of patients and nurses.
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