(1. 南通大学附属南京江北医院护理部,江苏 南京 210048;2. 南通大学附属南京江北医院肾内科,江苏 南京 210048)
Construction and implementation evaluation of the whole process management mode of hemodialysis vascular access based on “case management”
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Received:November 30, 2022   Published Online:December 20, 2022
中文摘要: 目的 构建血液透析血管通路全程个案管理模式,并初步实施同时评价其对临床工作的影响。方法 组建一支护理为主的临床多学科合作团队,制定工作指标,细化个案管理流程。将2021年1月列为模式开始时间,此后选取南京江北医院70例患者按照自愿原则加入试验组,采用个案管理模式进行全程管理,并采集相关数据。将2019年1月至2020年12月模式开始前临床50例患者列为对照组,采用类试验性双向队列研究,观察比较个案管理下全程管理模式对临床工作的影响。结果 在基于个案管理的全程管理模式下,试验组血管并发症低于对照组(12.8% vs 28.0%,P<0.05), 满意度调查评分[(97.6%±6.4)分 vs(89.9±5.0)分,P<0.01],DV血流量[(661±355) ml/min vs (354±210) ml/min,P<0.01]、DV血管直径变化[(2.65±0.90)mm vs (2.09±0.53) mm,P<0.05] 高于对照组,住院日[(10.26±5.4)d vs (14.28±8.8)d,P<0.01]短于对照组,住院费用[(16 375±8 841)元 vs (26 050±25 278)元,P<0.05]低于对照组。结论 血液透析血管通路全程个案管理模式应用于临床可以有效降低内瘘并发症、减少医疗成本、提高患者的护理满意度。
Abstract:Objective To establish the whole process case management mode of hemodialysis vascular access, and initially implement and evaluate its impact on clinical work. Methods Established a clinical multidisciplinary cooperation team focusingd on nursing, formulated work indicators, and refined the case management process. January 2021 was listed as the start time of the model. After that, 70 clinical patients from Nanjing Jiangbei Hospital were selected to join the experimental group on a voluntary basis, and the case management model was used for the whole process management, and relevant data were collected. A total of 50 clinical patients before the start of the model from January 2019 to December 2020 were listed as the control group. A quasi experimental two-way cohort study was conducted to observe and compare the impact of the whole process management model under case management on clinical work. Results Under the whole process management mode based on case management, the vascular complications in the experimental group were lower than those in the control group (12.8% vs 28.0%, P<0.05), the success rate of internal fistula implementation (97.0% vs 88.0%, P<0.05), satisfaction survey score (97.6% vs 89.9%, P<0.05), DV blood flow[(661±355) ml/min vs (354±210) ml/min, P<0.01], and DV vessel diameter change[(2.65±0.90) mm vs (2.09±0.53) mm, P<0.05] were higher than those in the control group, the hospitalization days[(10.26±5.4) d vs (14.28±8.8) d, P<0.01] were shorter than those in the control group, and the hospitalization expenses[(16 375±8 841) yuan vs (26 550±25 278) yuan, P<0.05] were lower than those in the control group. Conclusion The case management model of hemodialysis vascular access can effectively reduce the complications of internal fistula, reduce medical costs, and improve patient satisfaction with nursing.
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