(1. 西安医学院研究生院,陕西 西安 710000;2. 西北妇女儿童医院眼科,陕西 西安 710068)
Research status of optical correction methods for myopia in children
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Received:March 07, 2022   Published Online:October 20, 2022
中文摘要: 近视是由于角膜或晶状体原因导致平行光线聚焦在视网膜前而视物不清的一种疾病,视网膜成像不清晰又会促进眼轴的增长及近视的进展。近年来学龄期儿童近视发病率不断升高,将会引起成年期病理性近视患病率增加。然而临床上矫正近视常用的单焦点框架眼镜并无近视防控的效果。目前儿童近视的光学矫正方法主要包括单焦点框架眼镜、双焦点或多焦点框架眼镜、周边离焦框架眼镜、单焦点角膜接触镜、双焦点或多焦点角膜接触镜、角膜塑形镜等,近视防控的原理及近视控制效果不一。本文通过对比临床常见光学矫正方法的近视控制原理及效果作出综述,为临床配镜及近视防控提供思路。
Abstract:Myopia is a disease in which parallel light is focused in front of the retina due to corneal or lens reasons. The unclear retinal imaging will promote axial length growth and myopia progression. In recent years, the incidence of myopia in school-age children is increasing, which will lead to an increase in the prevalence of pathological myopia in adulthood. However, single-vision spectacles lens commonly used for optical correction have no effect on myopia prevention and control. The current optical correction methods for myopia in children include single-vision spectacles lens,bifocal spectacles, progressive addition lenses, defocus incorporated multiple segments spectacle lenses, single vision contact lenses,bifocal contact lenses, multifocal contact lenses and orthokeratology,etc. with different principle and effects of myopia prevention and control. This paper compares the myopia control principle and effect of common clinical optical correction methods, and makes a summary, in order to provide ideas for clinical lens matching and myopia prevention and control.
文章编号:     中图分类号:R778.11    文献标志码:A

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