(1. 山西医科大学,山西 太原 030000;2. 山西医科大学第一医院,山西 太原 030000)
Application value of ultrasound in labor
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Received:October 31, 2021   Published Online:May 20, 2022
中文摘要: 超声技术作为一种辅助检查手段,在产科领域是必不可少的,在确诊妊娠、产前检查方面发挥着重要作用。近年来,产程评估领域引进了超声检查,使产程监测变得多样化和个性化。超声技术应用于产程评估可使产程监测具有客观、可重复、无痛和避免感染的优势。当下,产科医师和助产士更加关注产时超声的应用,加强对住院医师在产程中使用超声的培训,对临床干预的决策起到了指导作用。本文对超声在产程中的应用进行归纳,从第一、第二、第三产程分别论述超声在产程中的应用,以及超声在产程中的其他应用,以期产时超声能更好发展,让分娩过程中出现产程进展不顺利的产妇得到更准确有效的评估,使临床工作者作出最有效的诊断,避免不良妊娠结局的发生。
中文关键词: 超声  产程  妊娠  分娩  诊断
Abstract:As an auxiliary examination method, ultrasound technology is essential in the field of obstetrics. It plays an important role in the diagnosis of pregnancy and prenatal examination. In recent years, ultrasound has been introduced into the field of labor process evaluation, which makes labor process monitoring diversified and personalized. The application of ultrasound technology in labor process evaluation can make labor process monitoring objective, repeatable, painless and avoid infection. At present, obstetricians and midwives pay more attention to the application of intrapartum ultrasound, strengthen the training of residents in the use of ultrasound during labor, and play a guiding role in the decision-making of clinical intervention. This paper summarizes the application of ultrasound in the labor process, and discusses the application of ultrasound in the labor process from the first, second and third labor processes, as well as other applications of ultrasound in the labor process, in order to make better development of ultrasound during labor, make more accurate and effective evaluation for women whose labor process is not smooth, and enable clinical workers to make the most effective diagnosis, avoid adverse pregnancy outcomes.
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