(1. 南京医科大学第一附属医院普外科,江苏 南京 210029;2. 徐州医科大学附属医院病案统计科,江苏 徐州 210006)
Effective ways to improve medical students' clinical post competence
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Received:September 07, 2021   Published Online:December 20, 2021
中文摘要: 临床实习是实现“以岗位胜任力为核心、培养卓越实用型医学人才为目标”的现代医学人才培养的基本途径,是临床医生成长历程中重要的环节之一,更是每一名合格医生的必经之路。医学生在临床实习过程中,以“三严”即严格要求、严谨态度、严肃作风为前提,开展基本理论、基本知识和基本技能的“三基”培训与考核。同时将思政教育贯穿整个培养过程,深化“三全育人”理念,完善医学生个人及团队的“心件建设”,即以人本管理为主、尊重人、用心做人做事,形成一个团队持久的动力,促进团队可持续发展,提高团队的凝聚力、向心力,促使队伍整体素质提高。构建以硬件、软件和心件为核心的“三件”新临床医学生培养体系,培养新时代医教研协同背景下具备优秀临床岗位胜任力的应用型人才,进而促进国家医疗卫生事业健康持续发展。
Abstract:Clinical practice is the basic way to realize the cultivation of modern medical talents with “post competence as the core and training excellent practical medical talents as the goal”. It is not only one of the most important links in the growth process of clinicians, but also the only way for every qualified doctor. In the process of clinical practice, medical students carry out three basic training and assessment of basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills on the premise of “three stricts”, that is, strict requirements, rigorous attitude and serious style. At the same time, ideological and political education will run through the whole training process, deepen the concept of three complete education, and improve the “heart piece construction” of medical students' individuals and teams, that is, focusing on humanistic management, respecting people and doing things with heart, so as to form a lasting driving force of a team, promote the sustainable development of the team, improve the cohesion and centripetal force of the team, and promote the overall level of team quality. Build a “three pieces” new clinical medical student training system with hardware, software and heart pieces as the core, and cultivate application-oriented talents with excellent clinical post competence under the background of medical teaching and research cooperation in the new era, so as to promote the healthy and sustainable development of national medical and health undertakings.
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