1 369名6~9岁儿童的龋病情况追踪调查
(哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 哈尔滨医科大学口腔医学院口腔预防保健科,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001)
Follow-up survey on dental caries in 1 369 children aged 6-9 years
(Department of Dental Preventive Health,School of Stomatology,Harbin Medical University(The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University),Harbin,Heilongjiang 150001,China)
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Received:January 07, 2021   Published Online:August 20, 2021
中文摘要: 目的 追踪调查哈尔滨市香坊区儿童随年龄增长的龋病发展趋势、窝沟封闭比例及防龋效果。方法 采取普查的方式每年定期为儿童进行口腔检查,将2016年入学的6岁到2019年9岁具有4年完整龋病调查资料的1 369名儿童的检查结果进行数据分析。结果 儿童6~9岁乳牙患龋率为88.46%、89.26%、84.66%、67.71%,龋齿充填率为19.21%、30.68%、32.29%、27.03%,因龋失牙率为1.53%、10.81%、5.41%、5.33%,均为先升高后降低趋势,龋均6(3,9)、6(4,8)、5(3,7)、3(0,5),呈逐年降低趋势。第一恒磨牙患龋率为4.31%、36.48%、43.32%、62.53%,因龋充填率为0.15%、1.97%、9.35%、12.86%,龋均0(0,0)、0(0,2)、0(0,2)、2(0,4),窝沟封闭率为1.61%、13.95%、43.61%、55.88%,窝沟封闭后患龋率为0.07%、3.07%、11.40%、25.64%,未做窝沟封闭患龋率为4.24%、33.31%、31.92%、36.89%,随年龄增长而增高,以上各组数据年龄比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 患龋趋势为随年龄增长乳牙患龋率先升高后降低,第一恒磨牙患龋率,窝沟封闭率逐年增高,窝沟封闭能有效预防第一恒磨牙患龋,应进一步提高6~7岁儿童窝沟封闭率,积极进行口腔保健知识宣传可能达到更好的防龋效果。
中文关键词: 窝沟封闭  患龋率  龋齿  儿童  乳牙  第一恒磨牙
Abstract:Objective To track and investigate the prevalence and trends of dental caries,the prevalence of pit-and-fissure sealants and its effect on preventing dental caries among 6-9 children in Xiangfang District of Harbin.Methods A census study was carried out and analyzed for 1 369 children aged between 6 years in 2016 and 9 years in 2019 with complete dental caries information for four years.Results During 2016 to 2019,the caries incidences in deciduous teeth were 88.46%,89.26%,84.66%,67.71%,respectively;the filling rate of caries were 19.21%,30.68%,32.29%,27.03%,respectively;the rate of teeth loss due to caries were 1.53%,10.81%,5.41%,5.33%,respectively,presenting the trend of first increased and then decreased in all.Mean caries (DMFT) were 6 (3,9),6 (4,8),5 (3,7),3 (0,5),showing a decreasing trend year by year.In the first permanent molar,the caries rates (4.31%,36.48%,43.32%,62.53%),the filling rates of dental caries (0.15%,1.97%,9.35%,12.86%),the mean caries [0(0,0),0 (0,2),0 (0,2),2 (0,4)],the rate of pit and fissure sealing (1.61%,13.95%,43.61%,55.88%),the caries rates after pit and fissure sealing (0.07%,3.07%,11.40%,25.64%) and the caries rate without pit and fissure sealing(4.24%,33.31%,31.92%,36.89%) increased with age,and there were statistical differences in them(P<0.01).conclusions Among 6-9 children in this area,caries incidence of deciduous teeth increases first and decreases then with age (increased earlier and decreased later).Caries incidence and rate of pit and fissure sealing in the first permanent molar increase year by year.Pit and fissure sealing can effectively prevent the incidence of caries in the first permanent molars.Increase the rate of pit and fissure sealing in children aged 6-7.Oral health literacy is needed to improve oral health and prevent caries.
文章编号:     中图分类号:R788.1    文献标志码:A

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