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(四川省绵阳市中心医院妇产科,四川 绵阳 621000)
Distribution of CGG repeat number of FMR1 gene in women of childbearing age with history of adverse pregnancy
(Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics,Mianyang Central Hospital,Mianyang,Sichuan 621000,China)
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Received:April 07, 2020   Published Online:January 20, 2021
中文摘要: 目的 探讨脆性X染色体智力缺陷1(FMR1)基因胞嘧啶-鸟嘌呤-鸟嘌呤(CGG)重复数目在有不良孕产史育龄妇女中的分布。 方法 随机选取2018年8月至2019年11月就诊于绵阳市中心医院产前门诊的521例孕妇作为研究对象,根据研究对象是否有异常生育史分为两组。其中261例有不良孕产史(研究组),260例无不良孕产史(对照组)。对每位研究对象抽取2 ml静脉血并提取DNA,通过荧光PCR技术和毛细管电泳技术进行检测,统计并分析FMR1基因CGG重复序列。 结果 在接受检测的521例孕妇中,共检测出35种不同的CGG重复数目,CGG重复数目的变异范围为20~200。521例中,最常见的CGG重复数目是31(170例,占32.63%);其次为28(145例,占27.83%);第三位常见的CGG重复数目是35(78例,占14.97%);此外,CGG重复数目<28的有20例(3.84%),CGG重复数目是29、30、32、33、34的共有78例(14.97%),CGG重复数目>35的有30例(5.76%)。研究组有4例前突变和3例灰区,对照组未见前突变及灰区,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。研究组中有3例样本CGG重复数目>100。本研究中发现,FMR1基因异常均为突变杂合型。 结论 有不良孕产史的妇女发生FMR1基因前突变携带的风险较高,对该人群进行FMR1基因筛查,一定程度上可从基因角度为其提供更好的生育咨询。
Abstract:Objective To investigate the distribution of the number of cytosine-guanine-guanine (CGG) repeats located in fragile X mental retardation 1(FMR1) gene in women of child-bearing age with adverse pregnancy and childbirth history. Methods A total of 521 pregnant women admitted to Mianyang Central Hospital from August 2018 to November 2019 were randomly selected and divided into study group (with history of adverse pregnancy and childbirth,n=261) and control group(without history of adverse pregnancy and childbirth,n=260).After drawing venous blood (2 ml) and extracting DNA in each subject,CGG repeats in FMR1 gene were detected by fluorescence polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and capillary electrophoresis. Results There were 35 different CGG repeat number with variation range between 20-200 in 521 cases.The most common CGG repeat number was 31(32.63%,170 cases),and the others respectively were 28 (27.83%,145 cases),35(14.97%,78 cases),less than 28 (3.84%,20 cases),29,30,32,33,34 (14.97%,78 cases in total) and more than 35 (5.76%,30 cases).There were 4 cases of premutation and 3 cases of grey-zone in study group,while there were 0 case of premutation and 0 case of grey-zone in control group,with significant differences in them between two groups (P<0.05).In study group,CGG repeats number was more than 100 in 3 cases.In this research,all abnormalities of FMR1 gene presented with heterozygous mutations. Conclusion The risk of premutation carring of FMR1 gene is higher in women with adverse pregnancy and childbirth history,in whom the screening of FMR1 gene can provide better reproductive counseling for them from the perspective of gene expression.
文章编号:     中图分类号:R714.2 R596    文献标志码:A

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