(西南医科大学附属医院内分泌科,四川 泸州 646000)
Low bone mineral density and the risk of stroke and all-cause mortality:a Meta-analysis of cohort studies
(Department of Endocrinology,Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University,Luzhou,Sichuan 646000,China)
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Received:March 31, 2020   Published Online:January 20, 2021
中文摘要: 目的 系统评价低骨密度(骨量减少和骨质疏松)与卒中发病风险及死亡风险的关系。 方法 计算机检索中国知网数据库、万方数据库、维普中文期刊服务平台、PubMed、Embase、Cochrane Library数据库自建库至2020年2月关于低骨密度和卒中发生风险及死亡风险的队列研究文献,由两名审查员根据纳入及排除标准独立筛选文献,提取资料,质量评价后,通过Stata 14.0软件分析数据。 结果 共纳入11篇文献(均为英文文献,5篇来自美国,1篇来自瑞典,5篇来自中国),共计76 667例研究对象。Meta分析结果显示,骨质疏松以及骨量减少可以显著增加卒中发病风险(HR=1.69,95%CI=1.28~2.25;HR=1.24,95%CI=1.01~1.52)及全因死亡风险(HR=1.86,95%CI=1.23~2.80;HR=1.21,95%CI=1.15~1.27)。且骨量减少可显著增加女性卒中发病风险(HR=1.37,95%CI=1.06~1.77)。 结论 低骨密度与卒中发病风险及全因死亡风险增加有关。
Abstract:Objective To systematically evaluate the relationship between low bone mineral density(osteopenia and osteoporsis) and the risk of stroke and death. Methods CNKI database,Wanfang database,VIP Chinese periodical service platform,PubMed,Embase and Cochrane Library databases for cohort studies on low bone mineral density,stroke risk and death risk from the establishment of the database to February 2020 were searched by computer. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the literatures were independently screened, the data were extracted, and after the quality evaluation, the data were analyzed by Stata 14.0 software and implemented by two examiners. Results A total of 11 articles (all in English,5 from the United States,1 from Sweden,and 5 from China) were included,with a total of 76 667 subjects.Meta-analysis results showed that osteoporosis and osteopenia can significantly increase the risk of stroke (HR=1.69,95%CI=1.28-2.25;HR=1.24,95%CI=1.01-1.52) and the risk of all-cause death (HR=1.86,95%CI=1.23-2.80;HR=1.21,95%CI=1.15-1.27).And osteopenia can significantly increase the risk of stroke in women (HR=1.37,95%CI=1.06-1.77). Conclusion Low bone mineral density is associated with an increased risk of stroke and all-cause death.
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