(南京医科大学附属淮安第一医院药学部,江苏 淮安 223300)
Analysis of 150 cases of adverse reactions to tyrosine kinase inhibitors
(Department of Pharmacy, The Affiliated Huaian No.1 People′s Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Huaian, Jiangsu 223300, China)
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Received:April 21, 2020   Published Online:December 20, 2020
中文摘要: 目的 探讨酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(TKI)不良反应(ADR)的特点及其相关因素,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法 利用“维普医药信息镜像系统”、“万方数据医药信息镜像系统”和“中国医院数字图书馆”,以“伊马替尼”、“吉非替尼”、“达沙替尼”、“舒尼替尼”、“索拉非尼”和“阿帕替尼”为标题,或利用“外文医学信息资源检索平台(FMRS)”,以“imatinib”、“gefitinib”、“dasatinib”、“sunitinib”、“sorafenib”和“apatinib”为标题进行全面检索,对国内外公开报道的TKI所致ADR 150例进行统计分析。结果 150例ADR患者中男性91例(60.67%),女性59例(39.33%);其中伊马替尼占比最高61例(40.67%)。TKI临床ADR主要表现为对皮肤及附件损害、呼吸系统损害、消化系统损害、心血管系统损害和全身性损伤等。结论 TKI在临床广泛应用,临床应用应高度重视其ADR,以确保安全用药。
Abstract:Objective To investigate the characteristics and related factors of adverse drug reactions (ADR) induced by tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) so as to provide reference for clinical rational drug use. Methods Using VIP medical information mirror system, Wanfang data medical information mirror system, China hospital digital library and foreign medical information resource retrieval platform (FMRS) for comprehensively searching for the title of "imatinib", "gefitinib", "dasatinib", "sunitinib", "sorafenib" and "apatinib", 150 cases of ADR caused by TKI reported at home and abroad were statistically analyzed. ResultOf 150 patients with ADR of TKI, 91 cases(60.67 %) were male, 59 cases(39.33 %) were female, and 61 cases were caused by imatinib, accounted for the highest proportion(40.67%).ADR were mainly manifested as skin and local lesion, respiratory system damage, digestive system damage, cardiovascular system damage and systemic damage. Conclusion With the widespread use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in clinical practice, more attention should be paid to adverse drug reactions caused by TKI to ensure safe drug use.
文章编号:     中图分类号:R979.1    文献标志码:B

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