(青海省妇女儿童医院放射科,青海 西宁 810007)
CT and MRI features of endodermal sinus tumor of testis in children
(Department of Radiology, Qinghai Women′s and Children′s Hospital, Xining, Qinghai 810007, China)
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Received:December 18, 2019   Published Online:September 20, 2020
中文摘要: 目的 探讨小儿睾丸内胚窦瘤CT及MRI影像学特点及其诊断小儿睾丸内胚窦瘤的临床价值。方法 回顾性选取在2013年5月至2019年5月期间手术病理确诊为睾丸内胚窦瘤的患儿67例为研究对象。其中进行CT检查例15例,10例行进增强检查;进行MRI检查52例,36例进行增强检查;分析小儿睾丸内胚窦瘤的影像学特点。结果 所有患者的病灶均属单发,其中左侧睾丸38例,右侧29例;肿瘤的直径范围为9.6~47.8(24.32±8.86)mm,60例患儿病灶边缘清晰,3例患儿病灶边缘模糊,其中呈圆形5例,类圆形的62例。 在CT平扫下,11例患儿表现为患侧睾丸内有不同密度的包块,4例患儿表现为患侧睾丸包块密度均匀,CT值为37.96~55.0(46.31±6.38)Hu,在67例患儿中进行CT检查15例,10例进行增强检查。 52例患儿进行MRI检查,其中11例患儿T1WI病灶呈现混杂信号,41例患儿T1WI病灶呈现等或等低信号;30例患儿T2WI病灶呈现稍高的信号;20例患儿T2WI病灶呈现等或等高信号。36例患儿进行增强扫描检查病灶的实质部分,其中轻度强化12例,中度强化18例,明显强化6例,坏死囊变部分均没有出现强化。结论 小儿睾丸内胚窦瘤的CT及MRI图像能够清晰地显示肿瘤的形态学特征及血供情况,对小儿睾丸内胚窦瘤有良好的诊断价值。
中文关键词: CT  MRI  睾丸  内胚窦瘤  小儿
Abstract:Objective To investigate the features and clinical value of CT and MRI in the diagnosis of endodermal sinus tumor of testis in children. Methods A total of 67 children with endodermal sinus tumor who diagnosed by postoperative pathology at Qinghai Women′s and Children′s Hospital from May 2013 to May 2019 were retrospectively selected.Among them, 15 cases received CT examination (10 cases with enhanced examination) and 52 cases underwent MRI examination (36 cases with enhanced examination).The imaging characteristics of children were analyzed. Results The lesions of all patients were single, including 38 cases of left testis and 29 cases of right testis; the diameter of tumor ranged from 9.6 to 47.8(24.32±8.86) mm, with clear edge in 60 cases and fuzzy edge in 3 cases, including 5 cases with round shape and 62 cases with quasi circular shape.In plain CT scan, 11 cases showed mass with different density in the affected side of testis, 4 cases showed homogeneous density of testicular mass, CT value ranged from 37.96 to 55.0(46.31±6.38) Hu.Among 67 cases, 15 cases underwent CT examination and 10 cases underwent enhanced examination.MRI examination was performed in 52 children.Among them, 11 cases showed mixed signal on T1WI, 41 cases showed isointensity or isohypointensity on T1WI; 30 cases showed slightly higher signal on T2WI; 20 cases showed isointense or isointense signal on T2WI.36 cases were examined by enhanced scanning, including 12 cases of mild enhancement, 18 cases of moderate enhancement, 6 cases of obvious enhancement, and no enhancement of necrotic cystic part. Conclusion CT and MRI images of pediatric endodermal sinus tumor can clearly show the morphological characteristics and blood supply of the tumor, which has good diagnostic value for pediatric endodermal sinus tumor.
keywords: CT  MRI  Testis  Endodermal sinus tumor  Children
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