Re-examination of rare combination of HBV antigen and antibody:6 cases
(Department of Laboratory,the Second Affiliated Hospital of Army Military Medical University,Chongqing 400037,China)
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Received:January 12, 2020   Published Online:August 20, 2020
中文摘要: 目的 探讨乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)电化学发光检测结果罕见组合的复检,为发送正确报告提供依据。方法 选择2019年1月至6月陆军军医大学第二附属医院就诊患者的6例血清样本。HBV抗原抗体检测指标为HBsAg、HBsAb、HBeAg、HBeAb、HBcAb。6例罕见组合模式分别是35阳性、235阳性、1245阳性、1235阳性、1345阳性和12345阳性。对6例标本重新采用3种方式复检:更换仪器、重新抽血复查和外送其他医院检测。结果 在复检模式相同的前提下,原始仪器和更换仪器检测、原始血清和重新抽血血清检测、我院和他院检测的HBsAg、HBsAb、HBeAg、HBeAb、HBcAb结果一致。结论 HBV检测结果组合模式多样,但罕见组合的出现必须引起检验人员的重视。6例罕见组合血清经过排除人为因素、偶然误差和系统误差三种方式复检确认,与初检结果一致,这为HBV正确报告的发送提供可靠依据。
Abstract:ObjectiveTo explore the re-examination of rare combination of hepatitis B virus(HBV)[JP]electrochemiluminescence detection results,and to provide a basis for sending correct reports.MethodsSix cases serum samples of patients from the Second Affiliated Hospital of Army Military Medical University from January 2019 to June 2019 were selected.HBV antigen and antibody detection indicators were HBsAg,HBsAb,HBeAg,HBeAb,HBcAb.The 6 rare combination patterns were 35 positive,235 positive,1245 positive,1235 positive,1345 positive,and 12345 positive.The 6 specimens were re-examined in three ways:replacement of the instrument,re-examination of blood draw and re-examination to other hospitals.ResultsUnder the premise of the same re-examination mode,there was no difference in HBsAg,HBsAb,HBeAg,HBeAb,HBcAb value between the original instrument and replacement instrument detection,original serum and re-blood serum detection,in our hospital and other hospitals.ConclusionsThe rare combinations of HBV test results must arouse the attention of the inspectors.Six cases rare combination sera have been re-examined and confirmed in three ways,excluding human factors,accidental errors and systematic errors,which is consistent with the initial test results.The delivery of HBV correct reports provides a reliable basis.
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