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(潍坊医学院,山东 潍坊 261053)
Mediating effect of emotion regulation strategies on social support and anxiety and depression in breast cancer patients
(Weifang Medical University, Weifang, Shandong 261053, China)
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Received:February 03, 2020   Published Online:June 20, 2020
中文摘要: 目的 探究乳腺癌患者情绪调节策略的使用特点,社会支持、情绪调节策略和焦虑抑郁之间的关系,以及情绪调节策略在社会支持和焦虑抑郁之间的中介作用,为提高乳腺癌患者的心理健康水平提供参考。方法 采用自评的情绪调节问卷(ERQ)、医疗社会支持量表(MOS-SSS)、医院焦虑抑郁量表(HADS),对潍坊市某三甲医院的234例乳腺癌患者进行问卷调查。结果 乳腺癌患者认知重评策略使用得分(5.29±0.74)分高于表达抑制使用得分(4.00±1.31)分(t=12.74,P<0.05)。社会支持与表达抑制策略和焦虑抑郁之间呈负相关(r=-0.24,r=-0.20,r=-0.31),与认知重评策略呈正相关(r=0.27);焦虑抑郁与表达抑制策略之间呈正相关(r=0.22,r=0.23),与认知重评策略之间呈负相关(r=-0.20,r=-0.21);上述差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。认知重评策略在社会支持和焦虑抑郁之间发挥部分中介作用(中介效应占总效应的13.52%),表达抑制策略在社会支持和焦虑抑郁之间发挥部分中介作用(中介效应占总效应的15.79%)。结论 乳腺癌患者更倾向于使用认知重评调节策略,社会支持可通过多种方式影响乳腺癌患者的焦虑抑郁情绪,可通过提高患者使用认知重评策略的频率、减少表达抑制策略的使用频率来减少乳腺癌患者的焦虑抑郁情绪,从而提高乳腺癌患者的心理健康水平。
Abstract:Objecitve To investigate the relationship between characteristics of the use of emotion regulation strategies in breast cancer patients, the relationship between social support, emotion regulation strategies and anxiety and depression, as well as the intermediary role of emotion regulation strategies in social support and anxiety and depression. Methods Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ), Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey (MOS-SSS) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were used to investigate 234 breast cancer patients in a Grade-A Tertiary Hospital in Weifang. Results The mean score of cognitive reappraisal strategy was higher than that of expression inhibition (5.29±0.74 vs 4.00±1.31, t=12.74, P<0.05).There was a negative correlation between social support and expression inhibition strategy (r=-0.24, P<0.01), anxiety (r=-0.20, P<0.01) and depression (r=-0.31, P<0.01), and a positive correlation between social support and cognitive reappraisal strategy (r=0.27, P<0.01). There was a positive correlation between anxiety and depression and expression inhibition strategy (r=0.22, P<0.01;r=0.23, P<0.01), and a negative correlation between anxiety and depression and cognitive reappraisal strategy (r=-0.20, P<0.01;r=-0.21, P<0.01).Cognitive reappraisal strategy played a part of mediating role between social support and anxiety and depression (mediating effect accounted for 13.52% of the total effect), and expression inhibition strategy played a part of mediating role between social support and anxiety and depression (mediating effect accounted for 15.79% of the total effect). Conclusion Breast cancer patients are more likely to use cognitive reappraisal regulation strategies.Social support can affect the anxiety and depression of breast cancer patients in many ways.It can reduce the anxiety and depression of breast cancer patients by increasing the frequency of using cognitive reappraisal strategies and reducing the frequency of expression inhibition strategies, so as to improve the mental health level of breast cancer patients.
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