(1.江苏卫生健康职业学院,江苏 南京 211800;2.南京中医药大学,江苏 南京 210023)
Data mining analysis of gout treatment experience of Prof. Wang Yue
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Received:November 08, 2019   Published Online:March 20, 2020
中文摘要: 目的 对汪悦教授临床治疗痛风处方分析,挖掘汪悦教授治疗痛风经验。方法 运用中医传承辅助平台(V2.5),对汪悦教授治疗痛风处方进行中药一般用药特点、用药频次、相关性、新方分析。结果 233张处方中,用药144味,寒平苦甘药味使用最多,归经显示肝、胃二经频率最高,关联规则分析得出药对、药串若干,新处方4个。结论 通过中药处方数据挖掘,发现汪悦教授治疗痛风常从肝、胃、肺、脾、肾等脏腑着手,多用寒凉苦辛之品,采用清热利湿大法,并根据疾病证候演变进行加减变化。
Abstract:Objective To analyze Professor Wang Yue′s clinical prescription for gout, and explore Professor Wang Yue′s experience in gout treatment. Methods The Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Support System (TCMISS, Ver. 2.5) was used to analyze the characteristics, frequency, correlation and new prescription in Professor Wang Yue′s gout prescription of Chinese medicine. Results Among 233 prescriptions, 144 were used, most of them were cold, moderate, bitter and sweet. Target organs were liver and stomach mostly. The correlation rule analysis showed that there were several pairs and clusters of drugs, and 4 new prescriptions. Conclusion Through prescription data mining, it shows that Professor Wang Yue often treats gout from the liver, stomach, lung, spleen, kidney and other viscera, mostly using cold, bitter and pungent products, using the method of clearing away heat and removing dampness, and adding and subtracting changes according to the evolution of disease syndromes.
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