(1.徐州医科大学附属徐州儿童医院心胸外科,江苏 徐州 221006;2.徐州医科大学附属徐州儿童医院呼吸科,江苏 徐州 221006)
Bronchoalveolar lavage during cardiopulmonary bypass surgery in infants with congenital heart disease:analysis of 6 cases
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Received:December 28, 2017   Published Online:June 21, 2018
中文摘要: 目的 探索婴幼儿先天性心脏病(CHD)矫治术中支气管肺泡灌洗的诊疗价值。方法 2016年11月至2017年10月徐州市儿童医院实施婴幼儿体外循环下CHD矫治术中支气管肺泡灌洗6例,均为左向右分流型CHD,术前存在肺炎合并心力衰竭,经强心、利尿、抗感染等治疗后,病情无改善或好转后再加重,接受亚急诊手术,术中气管插管直径4.0 mm及以上者。年龄6~19(11±4.7)月,体重5.5~8.5(7.0±1.1)kg,在建立体外循环后,经气管导管行支气管镜检查及支气管肺泡灌洗。结果 6例患儿均治愈出院,呼吸机辅助通气时间1~4.5(2.4±1.2)d,监护室停留时间3~7(4.5±1.5)d,术后1~6(3.6±1.9)d 临床肺部感染评分降至6分以下,2~6(4.2±1.5)d 白细胞计数恢复正常范围,2~7(4.3±1.8)d 降钙素原恢复正常范围。术后1例肺不张,1例气道内出血。结论 术中支气管肺泡灌洗可改善术后肺功能,减少呼吸机辅助通气时间和监护室留滞时间。
Abstract:Objective To explore the value of bronchoalveolar lavage during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery for congenital heart defect(CHD) in infants. Methods Bronchoalveolar lavage during CPB surgery was performed in 6 infants with left-to-right shunt CHD from November 2016 to October 2017, who had pneumonia combined with heart failure before operation and received sub-emergency surgery with tracheal intubation of equal or more than 4. 0 mm diameter because there was no improvement or further aggravation following improvement after striving heart, diuresis and anti infection treatment. The infants ages ranged from 6 to 19 (11±4.7) months, and their weighs ranged from 5.5 to 8.5 (7.0±1.1) kg. After CPB was established, bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage were performed through the endotracheal tube. Results All the infants were cured and discharged. Ventilator-assisted ventilation time was 1-4.5 (2.4±1.2) days, and ICU residence time was 3-7 (4.5±1.5) days. Clinical pulmonary infection score(CPIS) reduced to below 6 at postoperative 1-6 (3.6±1.9) days; WBC count and procalcitonin(PCT) recovered to normal range at postoperative 2-6(4.2±1.5) days and postoperative 2-7 (4.3±1.8) days. There were 1 case of atelectasis and 1 case of intratracheal hemorrhage after operation. Conclusions Bronchoalveolar lavage during CPB surgery can ameliorate postoperative pulmonary function, reduce mechanical ventilation time and ICU residence time for CHD infants.
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