Volume 31,Issue 12,2018 Table of ContentsDownload Contents

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[Original Articles]

Clinical efficacy of surgery without deep hypothermic circulatory arrest for DeBakey type Ⅰ aortic dissection
  HE Bao-chen*, ZHANG Yuan-jun, SONG Chao-guo, ZHANG Ai-min,, ZHAO Min, CHEN Jun-ping, CHEN De-feng, YANG Wei-guang
  2018,31(12):1601-1604 [Abstract(2370)]  [View PDF 461.89 K (3732)]
Application of autologous free fat graft for repair of tear trough deformity
  LIU Dai-hong, JIANG Li, NING Jin-bin, FENG Jian
  2018,31(12):1605-1607 [Abstract(2220)]  [View PDF 513.14 K (3832)]
Dexmedetomidine in the prevention of agitation during anaesthesia resuscitation of laparoscopic appendectomy
  ZENG Rong*, GU Shi-xian, WANG Guo-pin, SHAO Ze-feng, GU Jian-ping
  2018,31(12):1608-1610 [Abstract(2288)]  [View PDF 389.22 K (3679)]
Comparison of TB-LAMP, Xpert MTB/RIF and Roche solid culture in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis
  LIU Quan-xian, WANG Hong, CHEN Ling, LI Yu-qin, YUAN Yang, ZHANG Jian-yong
  2018,31(12):1611-1613 [Abstract(2311)]  [View PDF 377.95 K (3686)]
Effect of ERK1/2 signaling pathway on the expressions of RANKL and OPG in osteoblasts induced by different concentrations of titanium alloy particles in mice
  JIN Qing*, XIE Shou-xiang, XU Tie, SUN Hong, YAN Zhuang
  2018,31(12):1614-1618 [Abstract(2187)]  [View PDF 754.21 K (3754)]
Relationship between inflammatory microenvironment and epithelial-mesenchymal transition and its significance in pancreatic carcinoma
  LIU Yu, QUAN Ying
  2018,31(12):1619-1623 [Abstract(2077)]  [View PDF 1.90 M (3928)]
Effect of Jiangtangjing granule on early diabetic nephropathy and its influence on urinary microalbumin
  XUE Li, YUAN Yan-juan, SU Min
  2018,31(12):1624-1627 [Abstract(2132)]  [View PDF 543.45 K (3628)]
Intravitreous injection of Conbercept combined with macular grid laser photocoagulation for the treatment of recurrent macular edema secondary to ischemic retinal branch vein occlusion
  LIU Xiao-mao, YAN Xin-nian, FAN Qiang, ZHANG Meng, WANG Min
  2018,31(12):1628-1631 [Abstract(2076)]  [View PDF 480.33 K (3595)]
Low-order abdominal aorta occlusion in the treatment of dangerous placenta previa
  WU Li-ying, BAI Lu, WEI Li, REN Yan-jie, XIE Ting-ting, CHEN Bi-liang
  2018,31(12):1632-1635 [Abstract(2034)]  [View PDF 495.41 K (3721)]
Effects of simultaneous arthroscopic lysis of shoulder joint adhesions and rotator cuff repair on muscle strength and functional recovery in patients with rotator cuff injury and frozen shoulder
  CHENG Guang-qi, HAN Xiao-feng, ZHU Nai-feng, WANG Yi-han
  2018,31(12):1636-1639,1643 [Abstract(2189)]  [View PDF 738.91 K (3827)]
Effect of MORA bioresonance therapy combined with budesonide formoterol on allergic bronchial asthma
  DENG Jia-ning, NONG Zheng-dao
  2018,31(12):1640-1643 [Abstract(2076)]  [View PDF 553.99 K (3603)]

[Clinical Research]

Clinical analysis of 12 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma complicated with acute pulmonary embolism
  WANG Xin-lin, SONG Jin-wen, WEI Xuan, WANG Ying-feng, SONG Fu-ting, GOU Qiu-xia
  2018,31(12):1644-1647 [Abstract(2190)]  [View PDF 976.52 K (3994)]
Impact of obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome on cardiac autonomic nerve functions of essential hypertension patients
  YING Li-juan*, LIANG Min-lie
  2018,31(12):1648-1651 [Abstract(2427)]  [View PDF 488.90 K (5423)]
Alpha lipoic acid in the improvement of migraine symptoms in patients with insulin resistance
  DONG Zhi-yan*, MA Cai-xia, WANG Liu-yi
  2018,31(12):1652-1655 [Abstract(1981)]  [View PDF 536.88 K (3642)]
Risk inducing factors for central venous catheter line-associated bloodstream infection in intensive care unit
  LIANG Ye*, LIN Hong, LEI Li-li
  2018,31(12):1656-1659 [Abstract(2360)]  [View PDF 516.45 K (3626)]
Preliminary clinical observation of phacoemulsification in treatment of acute angle-closure glaucoma
  TAO Guo-qin*, SUN Hong
  2018,31(12):1660-1662 [Abstract(2040)]  [View PDF 426.43 K (3647)]
Dahuang (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei) combined with enteral nutrition for severe acute pancreatitis in early stage
  ZHANG Meng, GE Jian-xin, WANG Ping, WANG Guo-pin, HUANG Xiao-li, TENG Xiao-kun
  2018,31(12):1663-1665 [Abstract(2138)]  [View PDF 408.47 K (3634)]
Clinical characteristics of rare causes of ophthalmoplegia
  CAI Shi-kun, SUN Bo, ZHENG Jin-long, XUE Liu-jun, ZHONG Ling-ling
  2018,31(12):1666-1668,1673 [Abstract(2060)]  [View PDF 1021.89 K (4018)]
Differences in biological characteristics of left- and right-sided colon cancers and clinical significance of common pathological markers
  HU Xue-e*, SHI Li-yun, MENG Chun-ling, LIU Chao, WANG Xiao-yan, ZHANG Hai-jun
  2018,31(12):1669-1673 [Abstract(2158)]  [View PDF 577.28 K (3591)]
Efficacy and safety of TCF and FOLFIRI regimens as second-line treatment for advanced gastric cancer
  CHEN Hui-min, SONG Mei-hua, WANG Chun-xia, HU Ping, ZHANG Hai, GAO Jin-feng, FENG Ge
  2018,31(12):1674-1676,1680 [Abstract(2180)]  [View PDF 507.53 K (3738)]
Effect of water walking training on function of joint and muscle strength recovery in patients with fracture of tibial plateau
  LI Jin, LIU Wen-hui, CHEN Ying
  2018,31(12):1677-1680 [Abstract(1243)]  [View PDF 521.39 K (761)]

[Experimental Research]

Effect of extracellular vesicles on process of inflammatory bowel disease via regulating intestinal epithelial cells and macrophages
  XIAO Jun-hua*, ZHOU Xiao-yan, HE Zhi-long, REN Tian-ran,, SHEN Jia-qing, LI Wen-hua
  2018,31(12):1681-1685 [Abstract(1190)]  [View PDF 625.25 K (759)]

[Cinical Practice]

  2018,31(12):1686-1688 [Abstract(1133)]  [View PDF 433.85 K (785)]

[Medical Technology]

Diagnostic value of time-of-flight MRA combined with 3D-arterial spin labeling in cerebral artery stenosis and occlusive disease
  BO Shun-lin, BAI Zhuo-jie, ZHANG Yu-han, ZENG De-cai, KOU Jun-wei, WANG Guo-lan
  2018,31(12):1689-1691 [Abstract(1169)]  [View PDF 1.01 M (769)]

[Chinese Medicine · Integrative Medicine]

Influence of Chuanglingye hydropathic compress on wound surface infected by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and immune inflammatory factors
  LIU Li*, DUAN Pei-bei, WANG Zhao-hui, HUO Xiu-fang, YAN Shi-hai
  2018,31(12):1692-1694,1698 [Abstract(1338)]  [View PDF 689.14 K (778)]
Application of bixiefenqing pellet in young soldiers with asthenospermia due to kidney-asthenia combined with wetness-evil
  GAO Song*, YANG Jia-hui, QIN Yin, DONG Li-hong,, LIN Mu-nan, ZHANG Yin-xin
  2018,31(12):1695-1698 [Abstract(1271)]  [View PDF 637.73 K (736)]
  2018,31(12):1699-1701 [Abstract(1357)]  [View PDF 543.28 K (742)]


Pharmaceutical care for patients with hypopituitarism
  ZHANG Yun*, WANG Tao, QIN Hai-yan,, WU Xiao-li, ZHU Hong, WANG Jing-wei
  2018,31(12):1702-1704 [Abstract(1068)]  [View PDF 447.46 K (702)]


  2018,31(12):1705-1709 [Abstract(1295)]  [View PDF 551.05 K (748)]
  2018,31(12):1710-1712 [Abstract(1376)]  [View PDF 544.80 K (831)]
  2018,31(12):1713-1715 [Abstract(1223)]  [View PDF 538.59 K (765)]


  2018,31(12):1716-1718 [Abstract(1263)]  [View PDF 443.40 K (998)]
  2018,31(12):1719-1721 [Abstract(1157)]  [View PDF 489.11 K (746)]
  2018,31(12):1722-1725 [Abstract(1201)]  [View PDF 591.55 K (722)]
  2018,31(12):1725-1727 [Abstract(1292)]  [View PDF 450.58 K (749)]
  2018,31(12):1728-1731 [Abstract(1199)]  [View PDF 864.16 K (762)]
  2018,31(12):1731-1733 [Abstract(1156)]  [View PDF 508.11 K (765)]
  2018,31(12):1734-1735 [Abstract(1186)]  [View PDF 362.98 K (730)]
  2018,31(12):1736-1738 [Abstract(1117)]  [View PDF 488.79 K (750)]
  2018,31(12):1738-1740 [Abstract(1160)]  [View PDF 460.21 K (738)]
  2018,31(12):1740-1742 [Abstract(1344)]  [View PDF 485.57 K (1005)]
  2018,31(12):1743-1744 [Abstract(1088)]  [View PDF 385.96 K (700)]

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