(南京医科大学附属妇产医院 南京市妇幼保健院门诊,江苏 南京 210004)
Emergency nursing experience of patients with uterine arteriovenous fistula and uterine artery pseudoaneurysm complicated with hemorrhagic shock
(Outpatient Department, Womens Hospital of Nanjing Medical Univeristy, Nanjing Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210004, China)
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投稿时间:2022-02-14   网络发布日期:2022-07-20
中文摘要: 目的 总结子宫动静脉瘘伴子宫动脉假性动脉瘤合并失血性休克患者的门诊急救护理经验。 方法 对2021-10-18南京市妇幼保健院门诊接诊的1例子宫动静脉瘘伴子宫动脉假性动脉瘤合并失血性休克患者的急救经验作回顾性总结。接诊患者后,护理人员发现其阴道大出血,迅速判断病情、做出护理评估,及时配合进行抗休克治疗及护理,根据早期预警评分,确认风险等级与应对措施,启动多学科团队协作急救绿色通道。 结果 通过门诊多学科团队协作急救,将患者迅疾安全转入手术室行急诊手术,成功抢救了患者的生命。同时护理团队总结经验,对门诊急救检验申请单、应急预案、急救物品和药品进行改进、完善、补充。 结论 在门诊而非急诊的环境下,完善的应急机制、高度的职业敏感性、规范的专业技术,是发现与抢救急危重患者的关键。
Abstract:Objective To summarize the experience in emergency nursing of outpatient with uterine arteriovenous fistula and uterine pseudoaneurysm complicated with hemorrhagic shock. Methods The emergency treatment experience of a patient with uterine arteriovenous fistula and uterine pseudoaneurysm complicated with hemorrhagic shock in the Outpatient Department of Nanjing Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital on October 18, 2021 was retrospectively summarized. After receiving the patient, the nursing staff found her vaginal bleeding, quickly judged the condition and made nursing assessment. Then, they timely arranged anti-shock treatment and nursing, confirmed the risk level and countermeasures according to the Early Warning Score, and started the emergency treatment green channel through multidisciplinary team cooperation. Results After emergency treatment through the multidisciplinary team cooperation, the patient was quickly and safely transferred to the operating room for emergency surgery, which successfully saved her life. At the same time, the nursing team summed up the experience, and improved, perfected and supplemented the emergency treatment inspection application form, emergency plan, first-aid materials and drugs in outpatients. Conclusion In the outpatient rather than emergency environment, perfect emergency mechanism, high professional sensitivity, and standardized professional skills are the keys to find and rescue critical patients.
文章编号:     中图分类号:R459.7    文献标志码:B

